Friday, November 23, 2007

4mm Scale Pre-Group SECR and LB&SCR Carriage Stock Kits

We have the following etched brass kits packed and ready for posting. All are complete with brass and whitemetal castings and are less wheels, but include scale screw couplings:

Ref 4.9: SE&CR 32' 6-wheel CCT £27
Ref 4.23: SE&CR 44ft composite £42.00
Ref 4.24: LB&SCR 30' 6-wheel brake-third (end duckets) £33.50
Ref 4.41:
LB&SCR 32' 6-wheel composite or 2nd £33.50
Ref 4.39: LB&SCR 30' 6-wheel luggage van £30

Ref 4.40: LB&SCR 30' 6-wheel luggage/guard's van £30

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